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                          Anti Creeping
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                          Anti Creeping


                          Anti Creeping

                          Detailed Description

                          When the train is running, often produce longitudinal force on the rail, the rail for vertical movement, sometimes even drive the sleeper move together. This kind of vertical movement, called the crawl. Crawling generally occurs in the double track railway line interval, single track railway, under the direction of heavy vehicles on the ramp and stop braking range. Line crawling is often caused by uneven rail, sleeper skew phenomenon, on line very destructive, even causing derailment; runway, endanger traffic safety. Therefore, it is necessary to take effective measures to prevent crawling, usually using anti crawling and crawling support to prevent the line crawling.

                          1, the pin type anti climbing device is composed of a rail card with a baffle plate. Installation, the rail card side of the card at the end of the card, the other side of the wedge into the pin, so that the entire anti climbing device firmly stuck at the end of the track. So, under the rail longitudinal resistance, because the baffle rail card close to the sleeper, sleeper and so set it to prevent rail creep. In order to give full play to the role of the anticreeper, usually in the sleeper is also installed between the anti climb support, the 3 ~ 5 sleeper link, common rail creep resistance.  

                          2, the anti climbing device is divided into welding type and fastening type of anti climbing device, respectively, applicable to a variety of models of the rail. The railway track with spiral type strong anticreeper, divided into casting and welding type two, casting is composed of convex and concave rail clamp, bolt, bearing plate; welding type by rail, rail card lock buckle, bolt, rail and bearing plate. The two forms of the screw type force anti climbing device is that the rail clamp can clamp the rail by tightening the bolt, thereby preventing the rail from creeping phenomenon caused by the locomotive running and braking, and reducing the occurrence of railway accidents.

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